About Us
Chapman’s Premium was founded more than 7 years ago,
when Andrea Chapman needed to find an effective natural liniment
for her daughter's injured three-day event
horse. The injury required the horse
to be bandaged, and Andrea needed an anti-inflammatory that
would reduce the swelling. At that time, she was unable to
find anything on the market that didn't
burn the hair off the horse's legs.
Andrea set to work on developing
an all natural herbal remedy, based on a tried and true formula originating
in 13th century England. The liniment
was so effective in treating horses for various injuries and overexertion
that family, friends and acquaintances
began using it on themselves with great success.
The Chapman family history with horses goes back much farther
than a generation or two, however. "My grandfather was
an officer in the Royal North West Mounted Police,"
says Andrea. (All of the photos on
this Web site are from his tenure with the RNWMP in Regina.)
"And now, my daughter is also working towards a career
in the police force."
About the Chapman Breed
A percentage of each sale of Chapman's Premium goes to
Bay Horse Society
of North America to help preserve the breed.
Chapman is a centuries old name meaning travelling salesmen,
originating in the U.K. "Chapmen" travelled the
country with pack horses, selling their wares. Thus, the
Chapman horse was named after these travelling salesmen and
carried the coveted qualities of sensibility, versatility
and hardiness.
In 1884, the Chapman horse breed became officially known as
the Cleveland Bay due to its signifying color and the Cleveland
area from where it originated.
As they all appear very similar, Cleveland Bays have been
a favorite of royalty for decades for pulling carriages, as
they are relatively easy to match.
Buffalo Bill Cody imported Cleveland Bays during this same
era to pull the Concord Coaches in his Wild West Show.
Unfortunately, many Cleveland Bays were lost while hauling
artillery on the battlefields during World War I, and the Industrial
Revolution all but decimated the rest of the breed.
Today, the Cleveland Bay is still on the critically rare list of breeds. They are the oldest indigenous breed to England and remain
the only pure breed warmblood left in the world today. Chapman’s Premium
is committed to bringing this and all breeds, the exceptional natural care
that they give to their own horses and in helping to return the Cleveland
Bay to its former popularity.
Next: Distributors Wanted